Easy to a bright smile with tooth polishing

A beautiful smile with white straight teeth can do wonders for your personality. You feel confident at work and in social circles. Aesthetic dentistry gives you an easy way to get a beautiful smile with shiny white teeth. Find out below what teeth polishing is and why and how it can be of great benefit to you and your oral health.

What is tooth polishing?

Some people may confuse professional teeth cleaning with polishing and think they are one and the same. There is a fine line of difference and if you ask a professional dentist what tooth polishing is, you will probably get a more extensive and precise answer. The simple answer is that this is the final procedure that is usually applied after the procedure of cleaning and whitening teeth. 

Polishing is also used to remove surface stains, and sometimes after an oral surgery procedure to remove bacteria. The standard procedure uses a small rubber brush and a paste to polish fine, medium or coarse abrasiveness. An alternative is to use air and water jet along with a fine abrasive to polish the teeth.

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Benefits of teeth polishing

The obvious advantage of polishing your teeth is that you have a bright smile. However, the benefits of tooth polishing outweigh only the aesthetic benefits. Periodic polishing of teeth ensures reduced accumulation of plaque and tartar because the tooth surface is smooth. This ultimately preserves the enamel of your teeth. Namely, plaque and tartar create bacteria that can cause tooth decay, bad breath, gum disease and even cardiovascular problems. 

With less chance of caries, your teeth can be healthy in the long run. Ignoring, on the other hand can lead to tooth infection. Have your teeth polished twice a year and you don’t have to worry about inflamed gums, pulling gums and tooth loss or toothache.

Teeth polishing procedure

There are two prevalent tooth polishing procedures. One method is to use a soft rubber brush on which the dentist puts a paste of fine, coarse or medium abrasiveness. The rotating tool rotates the brush and when pressed against the tooth it helps to remove plaque and stains. 

The second method uses a jet of air and water in combination with glycine or sodium bicarbonate to remove stains that are deeper or where the teeth are more sensitive.

Tooth polishing after tartar removal

Plaque and tartar can build up on your teeth over time. Plaque is a sticky film in which bacteria are formed and over time, if not removed, it turns into harder limescale. Tartar cannot be removed by brushing your teeth, and the procedure of professional cleaning in a dental office is the only way to remove hard deposits on the teeth. 

Polishing is the final step in this process in which stains are removed and teeth become smooth and shiny. Although not absolutely necessary, polishing your teeth after cleaning tartar helps remove stains and bacteria that would not be removed without it. 

Everyone should go through the polishing process because even regular brushing cannot prevent the accumulation of limescale. It is best to undergo this procedure at least once every six months. Polishing helps teeth look better and whiter.

Poliranje zuba kod kuće ili u ordinaciji? - Polishing dentale

The difference between polishing and whitening teeth

Some people are confused about the difference between polishing and whitening teeth. The teeth whitening procedure is usually performed by a dentist using gels that contain peroxide. Some dentists use UV lamps or (even better) dental lasers to intensify the effect of tooth whitening pastes or gels. Trajanje i učestalost izbjeljivanja zubi ovise o tome koliko su vaši zubi intenzivno obojeni i željenom stupnju promjene boje. 

On the other hand, tooth polishing is a mechanical process using a rubber cup filled with polishing paste or a water-air jet with glycerin or sodium carbonate to smooth the tooth surface. It does not whiten teeth, but it removes stains and gives shine, so teeth look cleaner and brighter.

Is polishing harmful to teeth?

Professional teeth cleaning is necessary in order to remove plaque and maintain the health of teeth and gums. Opinions are divided, and one of the most frequently asked questions is: Is polishing teeth harmful? Some dentists believe that the procedure of polishing teeth does not bring tangible health benefits and is not absolutely necessary. 

If not done properly, polishing can remove thin protective enamel and cause tooth sensitivity. Undergoing a professional cleaning procedure every six months is good for your gums and teeth. It may not be necessary to polish your teeth every time.

What a tooth polishing process can ensure is that it gives your teeth a smooth and beautiful look. As with any other dental procedure, have your dentist examine your teeth and advise whether or not polishing is recommended in your case.

Side effects of tooth polishing

If not done properly, every dental procedure has side effects. Professional tartar cleaning, for example, can be too harsh and damage tooth enamel, as well as gums. Some of the side effects of polishing your teeth that you may encounter depend on the way it is done and the condition of your gums and teeth. 

If you decide to clean tartar, it does not necessarily mean that you have to undergo tooth polishing. Note that polishing can affect the fine layer of enamel that contains fluoride. Enamel regenerates over time, but still, if you have sensitive teeth or gums, you should think twice before you decide to polish your teeth. 

If you have a tooth with an infection in the deeper structures or if your gums are inflamed, you should cure these conditions first. Another thing to keep in mind is that polishing compounds can cause allergic reactions, especially in people with respiratory problems and in cases where the person has hypertension. Your dentist will be sure to determine the existing conditions before recommending a polishing procedure.

Tooth polishing is a cosmetic finishing procedure that offers benefits  when properly performed by professional dentists,  specially after the teeth whitening procedure. Your teeth will definitely shine and shine!

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Frequently asked questions about polishing teeth

We bring you some of the frequently asked questions related to tooth polishing.

Is it possible to polish your teeth at home?

There are several recipes and available tooth polishing kits that can be used to polish teeth at home. Some commonly used ingredients used in such recipes for stained teeth include activated charcoal and baking soda. However, the effect is never the same as with professional teeth polishing in a dental practice. 

How much does tooth polishing cost?

Depending on the condition of your teeth and the practice you choose, the cost of polishing your teeth can vary. At the Polyclinic Smile, the price of polishing teeth is 150.00 Kn.

How long does the process of polishing teeth take?

The tooth polishing process can take about 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the condition of your teeth. The procedure is performed in the dental practice. Before starting the procedure, the dentist performs a detailed control examination of the teeth. Also, plaque and tartar buildup are removed by professional teeth cleaning before the polishing process.

Can it be eaten after tooth polishing?

If your process of polishing your teeth involves fluoride treatment or polishing with a jet of air and water, you must wait at least 30 minutes to eat. If it doesn’t involve fluoride treatment or air and water jet polishing, there’s no need to wait. It is recommended to avoid foods that could stain your teeth or change their color for at least 6 to 8 hours after the tooth polishing process.

What do dentists use for polishing teeth?

It is important to know that polishing your teeth is a painless process The dentist generally uses a soft rubber brush and polishing paste to perform the procedure. In case of strong stains, he can use the method of polishing with a jet of air and water. This method of stain removal uses a jet of compressed air and water mixed with an abrasive.

Tooth polishing is a final dental treatment that provides numerous benefits when properly performed by professional dentists, especially after a teeth whitening procedure. Contact us with confidence and we will make sure that your teeth simply shine.
